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We are so excited for this month’s nerd nite. One of our last events at Manuel’s. This month, we’ve got three great talks sure to fill you with joy, wisdom and a belly full of laughter. Plus, there’s plenty of great Autumn brews on tap! Check out the details below and we’ll see you soon!
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 24
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N. Highland
When: Thurs, 11/19, 8pm
Cost: $5
“Sneaking out with strange men at night: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Being Gay” by Julian Modungo
Since going on the air in the mid 90s, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been a cult hit with a number of groups. These days, its appeal is more widespread, but during its initial run, it struck a particular resonance with its gay audience. Local homosexual Julian Modugno will explore the ways in which Buffy tackles themes of queerness and otherness and share personal anecdotes about how this show about being a strange girl in California helped him to be a queer boy in Georgia.
Bio: Julian Modugno is a gay icon in his own mind and a writer, humorist, and filmmaker from Atlanta, GA. One of his proudest moments was having a sketch featured and torn apart on the O’Reilly Factor. He considers himself a Buffy on the streets and a Faith in the sheets.
“Good Hair” by Kalisha Lazare
The natural hair movement has arrived and it’s here to stay! What started out as the blacks woman’s frustration with hair salons and their lack of knowledge on our hair, has turned into an empowerment movement that continues to encourage black woman everywhere to love their curls. I’ve been transitioning back to my natural hair texture for 15 months, and everyday I find myself wondering, “What is good hair?” I plan to gain insight on the audience’s definition of “good hair”, and to inform them on what my definition of “good hair” is.
Bio: My name is Kalisha Lazare, and I am currently studying marketing at Georgia State University. I have an obsession with healthy hair, Pinterest, and Beyonce’.
“Unpacking Manuel’s Tavern” by Sarah Melton and Karen McCarthy
Our beloved Manuel’s will be closing for renovations soon—so what’s going to happen to all of the stuff? Unpacking Manuel’s Tavern is a digital project that connects the objects on Manny’s walls with the stories behind them. In our presentation we will explain some of the backstory about delving into this backstory. And we’ll be on hand to talk about the project and hear your stories about our favorite bar. You can find out more by following @UnpackingManuel on Twitter!
Bios: Sarah Melton is a PhD candidate, digital projects coordinator, and fuzzy animal enthusiast. An (almost) Atlanta native, she likes to study history and make pretty digital things. Her current favorite beer is New Belgium’s cocoa molé porter. You can find her tweeting about her research, Ruby, her kittens, and wrestling at @svmelton.
Karen McCarthy got into philosophy for the women and the money, and the digital humanities because all the cool kids were doing it. She was correct about one of those things. She lives OTP with a wife and 12 cats, but does not own a Subaru. You can find her being An Adult on the internet tweeting at @FakeKLMcCarthy. She offers no comment on any relationship with @HypatiasGirl
Heyheyhey! We’re rolling into our last Nerd Nite for a few months. Call it summer vacation: a time to put on our best speedo, throw back our shoulders, and strut around the beach for a few months. Fear not, though! We’ve got a super Nerd Nite set up for you. Three dope talks, and some herb-themed musical entertainment in between. Thyme for Nerd Nite!
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 21
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N. Highland
When: Thurs, 6/18, 8pm
Cost: $5
“The Head and the Heart: the Neuroscience and Health Implications the Brain-Immune Connection” by Matthew Young.
How does your mind feel when you’re sick? How does body feel when your stressed? Neuroscientists, psychiatrists and physicians are researching how the mind and the immune system are connected to better understand behavior, psychological distress, and how this connection can be leveraged to improve treatment outcomes. The idea that the mind and the body are connected isn’t a new idea, but it holds the potential to transform the way we understand ourselves.
Bio: Matthew Young is the co-organizer and co-founder of Nerd Nite ATL. Before that, he was a co-organizer and inaugural speaker at Nerd Nite Philadelphia. Matt received his PhD in neuroscience from the University of Pennsylvania, and is now a researcher at Emory University. His research is pre-clinical in nature, and focuses on understanding the biology of fear and discovering novel treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder.
“The World Is Round, Michael Jackson Was a Weirdo, and Herbal Medicine is Safe During Chemo–Things That Should Be Obvious By Now”, by Oscar Sierra.
In the open-source internet age, it takes only days for useful “life hack” type information to disseminate amongst the mass populous. Eg: peeps, poopers, and plumbers alike learn how to unclog toilets using only hot water and salt on YouTube. Cancer is obviously a much more serious issue and sadly just as ubiquitous. Potential cancer therapies should be scrutinized more than plumbing issues, but there is no excuse as to why it currently takes an avg. of 14-17 yrs. for what researchers know to be safe & useful medicine to translate into clinical Standard of Care, especially when it has already been validated for millennia–and especially when people are dying by the millions every year and being told “there’s nothing else we can offer.” Oscar will explore paradigms & postulations impeding progress in conventional medicine whilst touching upon what traditional medicine has been proven to offer. Also, his band, The Purple Fedora Project, will also be performing their eclectic herb songs between Nerd presenters.
Oscar Sierra, is a board certified herbalist & acupuncturist (NCCAOM), one of a handful of U.S. clinicians certified in (ETMS) wholistic cancer care (Mederi Foundation), member of the American Herbalists Guild, the Ga Mushroom Club, and elected boardmember of the Ga. Herbalists Guild. He practices both Chinese & Functional Medicine, currently is a Sr. partner at Buckhead Acupuncture & Herbal Center, and also sees patients at Wellstar’s Kennestone Hospital
“Elephant Sanctuaries” by Misty Herrin.
Bio: TBA
Heyheyhey. It’s that time again. This month we’ve got a comedian, a smartypants, and an adventurer on tap to bring you learning and laughing all at the same time. That’s what Nerd Nite is all about. Be there and be square.
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 20
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N. Highland
When: Thurs, 5/21, 8pm
Cost: $5
“Hardcore Aging:Punk’s Not Dead It Just Has a Roth IRA Now” by Andrew Michael
In the late 70’s punk rock took a faster, louder, and more aggressive turn. It became “hardcore.” The Do It Yourself mentality was a driving force behind the music and political movements surrounding the hardcore sub culture. I’ll be diving into how this music, this mentality, and this sub culture shaped history and specifically my life and has made me who I am today….a tattooed stand up comedian/screen printer.
Bio: Andrew Michael is an Atlanta Stand Up Comedian/Hipster Tim Allen who’s DIY spirit can be seen all over town especially on his monthly show WonderComedy at Wonderroot.
“Sexy Sanitation” by Jasmine Burton
This talk explores from my evolution from having a major in college to having a mission in life. Last year, I would not have thought that a toilet would generate so much traction and inspiration. So if sanitation can be viewed as sexy, literally anything can be.
Bio: 2.5 billion people live without access to hygienic sanitation today. By juxtaposing her skills in design with her passions for public health and social justice, Jasmine Burton (a recent graduate of Georgia Tech) hopes to create innovative and sustainable solutions in response to these global crises. She dreams of empowering those people whose lives are compromised as a result of these statistics in an effort to advocate for global health equity. Ultimately, Jasmine seeks to work where she can use her creativity to make the world smile.
“A Year of Firsts”, by Kate Bill
In 2014 Kate challenged herself to do something new every single day of the entire year. Day 1 was participating in Lake Lanier’s Polar Plunge. Day 154: being an extra in a movie. Day 358: getting a palm reading from a psychic. And skydiving, because duh. She will be sharing her experience and how she learned that life is one great big adventure.
Bio: Kate is a recent graduate of Georgia Tech. She loves adventure, Atlanta, cats, and Coca-Cola.

No foolin’, we’re serving up a dope dish of Nerd Nite this month, with all sorts of yummy sides. Umm…guess we’re a little hungry over here — hungry for fun, facts, and fermented beverages! Ok, enough of that. This month we’ve got three great talks, one being given by our own Nerd Nite co-host Tracy Galasso, what figures to be a truly fascinating talk on the logistics of how stuff gets from all over the world to your world, and a talk about what makes a good horror flick. Not only that, but we’re going to have our third edition of Nerd Nite quizzo, where you and your friends have the chance to put your nerdy knowledge and know-how to the test, and win fabulous prizes! So, get hungry. And thirsty. See you soon! RSVP @ https://www.facebook.com/events/1618563288358208/
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 19
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N. Highland
When: Thurs, 4/23, 8pm
Cost: $5
“What Makes For a Great Horror Movie?” by Evan Valentine
The Exorcist. The Thing. Rosemary’s Baby. Halloween. What is it about these movies, and others specifically, that makes them so classic? What is it about these movies that makes them so terrifying, even to this day, and why does it seem so difficult to replicate the process? Evan Valentine, Atlanta Standup Comedian and Staff Writer for Collider.com, hopes to delve into these answers by walking you through what works, and what doesn’t, when it comes to creating some of the spookiest moments in cinematic history.
Bio: Evan Valentine is a Standup Comedian in the Atlanta area who has performed at the Laughing Skull Lounge, Atlanta Improv, and many other venues around town. He has an album currently available on iTunes (Evan Valentine: That’s What You Get For Being Different) and is a Staff Writer for the entertainment website, Collider.com.
“A Few Noteworthy Game-Changers in Ground Freight Logistics” by Ian Edelson
Take a 5 minute drive and you’ll probably see a tractor trailer. Close your eyes for 5 minutes and you’ll probably hear a train whistle. Glance around your space right now: you’re probably looking at objects from several countries and a dozen US states. How did they get here? This moving talk will explore the incredible scale of America’s supply chain by focusing on a few key logistics game-changers.
Bio: Ian Edelson is the director of strategy at a ground freight logistics company in Atlanta. He enjoys fixing vintage motorbikes, the Oxford comma, and spending time with his 0 cats.
“You’re mother is a liar…Kind of.” by Tracy Galasso
“No more candy, or you’ll get diabetes” is a lie your mother may have told you as a child. Thirty-million people in America are diagnosed with diabetes. None of them got it because they had one more mini-snickers on Halloween night when they were eight. Well, maybe. It’s complicated. Statistically, it is likely you know a person or persons who have diabetes. But the diabetes your aunt Mildred has and the diabetes the neighbor kid has can be really really different. So, I’m gonna tell you all about those differences and how to speak intelligently to people who have a bum pancreas.
Bio: Tracy Galasso lives in Atlanta with her dog, Egon. She loves BBQ more than you do and is probably wearing something ridiculous right now. She is not a diabetes educator, but she has lived with Diabetes Mellitus for longer than some of you have been alive and would love it if more people understood how serious the disease can be. She has no affiliation with Willford Brimley.
Hey all! This month we’re partnering with the Atlanta Science Festival to bring you a special Brainy-themed Nerd Nite. This year, the Science Festival and Brain Awareness Week overlap ever-so-much, so we thought we’d cover them both at once. We hope to see you, and probably some new faces from the Science Festival crowd at Manuel’s on Thursday.
More about the ASF here: http://atlantasciencefestival.org/
…and a special “ASF science of beer” event: http://atlantasciencefestival.org/events/event/1053
More about Brain Awareness Week: http://www.dana.org/BAW/
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 18: Science Festival/Brain Awareness Edition
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N. Highland
When: Thurs, 3/26, 8pm (get there early to beat the ASF crowd)
Cost: $5
“A (MRI) Snapchat with the Brain”, by Candace Fleischer, Ph.D.
What makes us depressed? Is it the mind, the body, or is it really all in our head (literally)? Advances in MRI technology have enabled direct visualization of the ways in which the brain is altered by disease, furthering our understanding of the molecular basis behind depression.
Bio: Candace Fleischer is a postdoctoral fellow in biomedical engineering at the Emory University School of Medicine. Candace is from the Seattle area and currently lives in Atlanta with her husband.
“Seeking neuro-enlightenment: Interactions between monks and neuroscientists,” by Brian Dias, Ph.D.
Brian Dias was born and grew up in Mumbai, India. He obtained BSc and MSc degrees in the Life Sciences in India before moving to Austin, Texas where he received a PhD in Neuroscience. Growing up in India, he never envisioned pursuing research and science. At times he sees himself as a wannabe beach volleyball player and/or Radio Jockey trapped in the body of a neuroscientist.
Brian’s scientific career thus far has seen him working with rats, lizards, flies, birds, and currently mice. He is currently pursuing projects that are aimed at understanding how ancestral experiences influence the physiology and consequently behavior of descendant generations.
Brian has been part of the Neuroscience faculty of the Emory Tibet Science Initiative and at Nerd Night will share his experience learning from and teaching Neuroscience to Tibetan Buddhist monks.
“Sex, Drugs & Pain – what more is there?” by Anee Murphy, Ph.D.
Morphine was first described as a potent pain reliever in 1522 and remains the primary drug for the alleviation of acute and chronic pain. Recent studies indicate that morphine does not work as effectively in females as it does in males. Dr. Murphy will present data on the brain regions that mediate morphine’s action and how these regions are different in terms of their anatomy and physiology in males and females. The impact of age on opiate effectiveness will also be discussed.
Bio: Dr. Anne Murphy obtained her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Cincinnati. Following a postdoctoral fellowship in the Netherlands, she joined the faculty at the Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine in the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology. Fourteen years ago, she met the man of her dreams at a conference in Capri, Italy, moved to Atlanta, and joined the faculty at Georgia State University, where she is an Associate Professor and Associate Director in the Neuroscience Institute. When not teaching or doing research, she enjoys fine wine and spending time on soccer fields with her two amazing sons.

We’ve got cold sweats and the shakes over here. Has it really only been 6 weeks since the last Nerd Nite? It feels like an eternity. Well, get fired up, ’cause we’ve got an extra special Nerd Nite coming your way. We’re featuring two great talks — one about online dating in China, and another about harnessing the power of the sun. And on top of all of that, we’ll have two bona fide sex therapists take your anonymous questions in a no-holds barred (hear that BDSM-ers?) Q&A session about love, sex and everything in between. Seriously, these two therapists are the real deal. Go ahead — Google ’em. Come on down, have a drink, and remember, NERD is the (safe) word.
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 17
When: Thursday 2/26 Show at 8:00pm, but get there EARLY if you want to get a good seat and get a jump on ordering food/drink.
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 North Highland Ave NE
Cost: $5 Cover
“Is it hot in here or is it just my plasma physics?” by Theresa Wilks.
Have you ever looked up in wonder at the auroras or the sun? Plasma physics is often seen as an abstract science that is the subject of very few dinner conversations. Yet it is present in your daily life, and one of the most beautiful, powerful, and useful gifts the cosmos has given us. We’ll lift the veil on plasma physics and talk about the role it plays for the future of fusion technology and clean world power.
Bio: Theresa Wilks is a PhD student at Georgia Tech in the Nuclear Engineering department, studying – you guessed it – plasma physics and fusion technology.She is part of the Young American Physical Society hosting a “Global Plasma Month” where doctoral students are turning the spotlight to plasmas for the month of February all around the world. When not in the lab, Theresa loves to soak up the sun playing beach volleyball and brewing beer.
“Courting China: Love, Sex, & Marriage Behind the Great Firewall” by Maggie Blaha.
When it comes to online dating in China, users aren’t exactly looking for mates who like Pina Coladas and getting lost in the rain. The goal of online dating is marriage. Being single becomes unacceptable when men and women reach their mid-twenties, and the fear of being “Leftover” becomes incentive for marriage. This pressure is enough to drive anyone to the virtual ocean where there are plenty of fish to catch.
Bio: Maggie Blaha has no idea what she’s doing with her life. She also never knows what to write for these things. Her favorite color’s orange, she enjoys a good Helen Keller joke, she wrote a children’s book, and she’s always had some aspiration to become a writer of some renown. If that doesn’t pan out, she hopes to marry well and host fancy dinner parties.
“Everything you always wanted to know about SEX and were NOT afraid to ask at Manuel’s Tavern!” by Drs. Erika Pluhar and Tiffanie Davis Henry.
Drs. Erika Pluhar and Tiffanie Davis Henry are thrilled to have the opportunity to answer all of your juicy sex questions – everything from safer sex, the science of orgasm, sustainable sex products, what is the 51st shade of grey?, how the heck do threesomes actually work, and more! During this fun and lively audience-driven discussion, Drs. Erika and Tiffanie will share their expertise about their favorite topic in hopes that participants leave all the more ready to take on the world of sex in 2015!
Bio: Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry is the host of All About Sex on TLC and is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist. While based in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Tiff has over 15 years of experience working with individuals and couples as a treatment provider and educator and her objective is to guide people to the love and intimacy they desire. Dr. Tiff is your erotic tour guide “to a happy, healthy and horny sex life.” Dr. Erika Pluhar, an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Sexuality Educator, is an author and speaker and provides relationship and sex therapy through her private practice in Atlanta, GA. For over 15 years, Dr. Erika has enjoyed helping individuals, couples, and families find their way to healthy sexual expression, deeper intimacy, and more loving relationships.

The first Nerd Nite of 2015 is upon us, and we’re excited to bring you lineup of talks that we’re sure will leave you thinking to yourself: “Huh. I didn’t know that,” or, “You don’t say…”. Where else are you going to find a line-up featuring a cat-lady/comedian, a drag queen, and a geneticist. Only at the greatest edu-tainment event in town! Not to mention it’s your one chance each month to nerd out righteously with your fellow Atlantans over a couple of drinks. Be there and be square!
Please RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/412953342195616/
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 16
When: Thursday 1/15 Show at 8:00pm, but get there EARLY if you want to get a good seat and get a jump on ordering food/drink.
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 North Highland Ave NE
Cost: $5 Cover
“It’s Kitten Hot in Here: The Culture of Cat Cafes” by Paige Bowman.
Cover fees are a nuisance generally associated with night clubs, but a few bucks can also get you time with another sort of VIP – a very important purrson. Cat cafes have been providing their customers with the temporary benefits of cat ownership for over 15 years. Spreading from Asia, there are now cat cafes in Europe, Australia and the United States, and they’re all full of cats for their patrons to play with, watch them sleep or turn into the next big meme.
Bio: Paige Bowman is a comedian and cat mother living in Atlanta, GA. She first discovered Cat Cafes after 10 of her Facebook friends sent her a link about wine for cats, which she has still not bought, because one hangover in the house is enough. With just two bottles of wine and one more date gone wrong, Paige will be opening Atlanta’s first cat café by charging admission to hang out in her apartment.
“I Was Run Over By The Knight Bus” by Chris Gunter.
Science runs on a publish or perish system, according to many people, but sometimes the difference between the two is not so clear. Chris spent a decade as a scientific journal editor, from the middle to the highest levels, and will give you a peek behind the curtain of this often-cursed profession. When you act as a cross between a rockstar god and Darth Vader, you come out with some pretty good stories about how science ultimately gets put into the public record.
Bio: Geneticist and attempted wit Chris Gunter is an Associate Professor at the Emory University School of Medicine, and works at the Marcus Autism Center.
“Drag, a her-story” by Jaye Lish
Take a tongue in cheek tour through the history and evolution of female illusion. Learn the terms, tips, tricks and tea of the ins and outs of being a man in a
Bio: Jaye Lish is an entertainer, prop builder, makeup artist, drag queen and co-host of The Other Show. He enjoys horticulture, DnD, scifi movies and dreams of LARPing.

Siiiiiiiilent night…neeeeee-uuuuuuurrrrd night…y’aaaaaallll are buzzed…our speakers are bright…’round yon nerds…with beer or wine…learn some stuff about knitting or science…learn and drink fermented yeast…learn and drink fermented yeast!
Enough said. Be sure to RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1527625944152302/
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 15
When: Thursday 12/18. Show at 8:00pm, but get there EARLY if you want to get a good seat and get a jump on ordering food/drink.
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 North Highland Ave NE
Cost: $5 Cover
“Snipesville: A Brit Historian’s Time Travel Adventures” by Annette Laing
History. Yawning yet? Don’t blame you. When I arrived in the States, many moons ago, I was shocked by the awfulness of my high school history class. Fast forward two decades, and I was a professor, facing hungover freshmen who were amazed they had started liking history in college. Now I’m a renegade historian and writer of stories and teller of tales, invading schools and minds with a message: History. It’s not what you think. It’s how you think.
Bio: Annette Laing is an academic historian and former professor (PhD, publications, and all that), but don’t let that put you off. She is also the author of the Snipesville Chronicles, a “quirky, smart, and funny” series about three time-traveling kids from Georgia’s most boring town, and an accomplished performer of Non-Boring history for kids, teens, and adults, whose work has been featured by the Associated Press. AnnetteLaing.com
“How have costumes and clothing shaped our modern day lives?” by Diana Khoury
Why do we call police officers, Cops? Why were high heeled shoes first created for men? And which ancient civilization created underwear and sports bras?! Get ready to dispel common myths about the origins of costumes and ridiculous historical fashions in a crash course in costume history!
Diana Khoury has a degree in Costume Design and Technology from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. She has showed her designs all over the globe and has traveled too far, in search of crazy costume exhibits.
“TBA” by Justine Liepkalns
Bio: TBA

It’s that time again. Time for family and friends to come together, to give thanks for all the wonderful blessings in our lives, to gather ’round a fire, and cook a big meal, to reach out and give back to the community…and time for Nerd Nite! We’re squeezing in a special pre-Thanksgiving event to give you a little bit of knowledge to kick around the dinner table on one of our favorite topics: booze. We figured that you’re probably starting to get pretty stressed out. Maybe some of you are traveling. Other perhaps hosting a bunch of people. So, we’ve brought in a few local heavy hitters! Come out tilt few, and learn a little bit about what you’re tilting. Knowledge is power! RSVP HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1503979356537489/
What: Nerd Nite ATL, No. 14
When: MONDAY 11/24. Show at 8:00pm, but get there EARLY if you want to get a good seat and get a jump on ordering food/drink.
Where: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 North Highland Ave NE
Cost: $5 Cover
“Homebrewing: How to Become an Alcoholic by Your Bootstraps,” by Shawn Bainbridge,
What is beer? How can I make it? How much of it should I drink? A local Home Brewer answers these questions and discusses how to break into the hobby, advance your newly found craft, and make frands in the process.
Bio: Shawn Bainbridge made his first awkward homebrewing attempts as a Georgia Tech student in 2009. Now, the 28-year-old Inman Park resident and electrical engineer makes beer on the regular with Final Gravity Craftbrewers.
“Barrels and Ales: Crafting a story using mixed fermentation and barrel aging,” by Blake Tyers.
From mixed fermentation to barrel maturation; as brewers, we look to craft stories in your glass. The story of that beer’s life before you. I’ll be discussing how and why beers are aged in barrels and the various results that can be achieved using timeless, old world techniques and our favorite microorganisms.
Bio: Currently a brewer at Creature Comforts Brewing Co. in Athens, Georgia; Blake Tyers specializes in recipe development and wood cellaring. Additionally, this summer he was elected to the board of the Georgia Craft Brewer’s Guild by his colleagues to help promote Georgia beer and change antiquated beer laws. Previous to working for Creature Comforts, Blake was a photographer in the entertainment industry shooting publicity photos for film and television. After a few years of passionate interest in homebrewing during his photography career, he knew he had to work as a brewer in the professional arena. He was brought onto the team at Creature Comforts after mutual friends introduced him to the brewmasters during early planning stages of the brewery. Since opening their doors six months ago, Creature Comforts has experienced great growth and won a bronze medal at the Great American Beer Festival in the American Brett Beer category.
“WHISK(E)Y: It’s not just for hunks & floozies”, by Julian Goglia
I’ll be talking through the various styles of whisk(e)y from several parts of the world. We’ll touch on history, distillation, aging, grains used, etc. Most importantly, I’ll talk about knowing what’s actually inside your beloved bottle and what to seek out at your local store/bar.
Bio: Julian Goglia is partner / beverage director at The Pinewood in Decatur, Georgia. He was recently named one of the Top 25 Bartenders in the US by The Daily Meal, one of Zagat’s 30 Under 30, and Atlanta’s 2013 Bartender of the Year. He is an avid collector of dogs, motorcycles and all things whiskey.